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What is the Difference Between BLS and BCLS?

BCLS – BLS Basic Cardiac Life Support

BLS and BCLS certification are the same course. There is only a variation on the title. Either course will meet the employer or scholastic requirements of the other.

The Importance of BCLS Certification

Heart disease claims the lives of approximately 600,000 people in the United States every year. It is responsible for one out of every four deaths, and affects both men and women. The total healthcare costs of heart disease including healthcare services, lost productivity, and medications costs over $108.9 billion each year.

Training Our Community in BCLS

There are many actions we can take personally, as well as a member of the community, in order to prevent and decrease the incidence of heart disease, and act upon it when it occurs. Eating healthy and getting the appropriate amounts and types of exercise are a good place to start to protect yourself. However, to help save others who are at risk for cardiac arrest from heart disease it is important to become BCLS, or Basic Cardiac Life Support, certified.

What is Taught in BCLS Certification?

A BCLS certification class will cover basic life saving techniques, skills, and knowledge to help you be prepared in the event of an emergency. Every BCLS class should include how to recognize signs of an emergency, and the next steps to take such as initiating rescue breathing and BCLS compressions if necessary. Most cardiac emergencies happen outside of the hospital and usually at home, this is why being certified in BCLS is so important. People who have recently taken a BCLS certification course say they feel more prepared and more confident in their skills should they be witness to an emergency in which they need to use BCLS skills. BCLS skills can be provided without medical equipment and are vital to saving lives outside of the hospital. The life you save because you are BCLS certified may be the life of a friend or family member.

Best Place to Take BCLS Certification Online

BCLS classes can be taken through various entities in your community, as well as online. Taking a BCLS course online can be an easy and convenient way to achieve your certification. With an online BCLS course, you can complete the coursework and test in the comfort of your own home on your own schedule. Take a BCLS course today to become BCLS certified and to be more prepared in the event of a cardiac or other emergency.